How can UNAIDS better engage the range of stakeholders, including new partners, required to deliver on its 2016-2021 Strategy?

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  1. Better to include the new physicians who work or are willing to work hard for this area; who studied this area. There is always an effort to emphasise the humanitarian side of HIV rather than the medical part. Old people have experience, yes, but young ones are the real future!

  2. Трансгендеры по прежнему вынуждены оставаться в изоляции, и в одиночестве решать свои проблемы связанные со здоровьем включая проблемы с ВИЧ/СПИД.

    Трансгендеры остаются значительно обделенными вниманием в области противодействия ВИЧ/СПИД в отличии от других ключевых групп населения. Решением проблематик связанных с ВИЧ/СПИД в этой группе требует неотложных действий. Времени ждать больше нет, так как мы, осуществляя совместную работу, также желаем достичь глобальных целей в короткие сроки.

    В этой связи мы, как представители трансгендерного сообщества, требуем от всех сторонников из числа государственных и международных структур включать в свои стратегии интервенции которые будут целенаправленно сфокусированы на трансгендерах.

  3. The best way for UNAIDS to better engage partners is if it is seen as the UN joint effort towards the response. Currently,most if not all agencies and the secretariat are engaging with stakeholders individually on matters related to HIV. So the critical part is for all cosponsor agencies to buy-in to the joint programme and with DOL, if it is the secretariat to engage with partners, so be it on behalf of all cosponsors representing agreed-on issues, achievements and needs. There may also be flexibility where an agency with comparative advantage takes the lead on certain issues. UNICEF leading the discussions on eMTCT with stakeholders is an example.

  4. As one of the Strategic Directions in the UNAIDS Strategy 2016-2030 is on human rights and gender equality, it would be helpful for UNAIDS to engage and collaborate more closely with organizations that have a rights and/or gender equity focus. There are many rights and/or gender-focused organizations that also cover health-related topics, including HIV. Many of the issues that these organizations work on, including gender-based violence, child marriage, discrimination against women, are also issues at the heart of the HIV response. If UNAIDS were to increase its work with such organizations, and bridge sectors, it would not only result in a strong HIV response, but also in a stronger and more comprehensive response in the human rights and gender equality areas.

  5. Stakeholders need to feel that they are listened too and that the engagement with UNAIDS will make a difference. I believe the agency has the ability to do this, but it may require imagination and new ways of thinking. These are to some extent reflected in the strategy, they now need to be operationalized.

  6. No doubt, UNAIDS can do a better job here, community representatives should play a bigger role as partners of UNAIDS. One way might be that your country officers reach out to communities (as stake holders), listen to their voices and needs (you might hear different stories then you hear from government officials): just look at the CCM mechanism of the Global Fund (as an example how community participation can be strengthened). Governments might need some information - or even training - about the role and positive impact of collaborations with the community. You might as well have a discussion at one of the next UNAIDS PCB meetings about this..

  7. Improve the joint programming with all major stakeholders in identifying gaps and including HIV in their strategic frameworks. Advocacy efforts to incorporate HIV in the major stakeholders strategic frameworks and when necessary, invite them to participate in the PCB meetings.

  8. We should make the best use of the comparative advantage of each member of the joint programme. Each agency brings a different strength and value to the programme which should be strongly communicated to stakeholders. We should embrace the different strengths each partner brings and while we should embrace joint work, we should also not forget the importance of the individual work done by each of the agencies which considerably adds to the value of the programme. Joint work should not be done for the sake of it. Additionally, we should look at ways in which duplication can be avoided.

  9. In order to better engage other stakeholders, other members could be invited to participate in the PCB and should be invited to participate more in the existing IATTs and other co-ordination groups. On other specific issues, consultations (including online consultations like this) could be used to get different stakeholders inputs on different issues. Meanwhile, it would be difficult to formally expand the membership of UNAIDS to other co-sponsors given the current funding restrictions. Co-ordination between the different partners is already challenging and therefore adding more partners would complicate this further.

  10. Take a public health approach verses one disease specific approach. Many comments have already articulated the value added by including others working on human rights issues, violence, trauma and so forth. AIDS is one slice of compounding and attributing health issues facing community members and health systems.

  11. Mobiliser tous les acteurs et les nouveaux partenaires sur la base de leurs intérêt primordiaux et en faisant le lien avec le VIH et sida (propagation ou vaincrer l'épidémie. Le lien entre ODD VIH et autre ODD doit être traduit en actions conclaites et publiées

  12. For a variety of reasons, not least of which is the success of the HIV community in promoting the theme of prevention, HIV is less on the radar screen that it has ever been in the last 30 years. The fact that HIV is still a major threat to health and social development is being lost and wrong assumptions are being made concerning the "elimination" of HIV. UNAIDS has to make a concerted effort to remind all stakeholders that the epidemic is not dormant and could re-emerge as an important threat, especially with regard to the implications of HIV for other diseases. UNAIDS might wish to target stakeholders according to what is known about their "proximity" to HIV related problems and their interest and capacity with dealing with key parts of the epidemic. The pharmaceutical sector clearly has a role to play and should be brought more proactively by UNAIDS. There is already evidence that this is feasible and this avenue should be explored even more than it has been to date. Other sectors, such as the Uniformed Services sector, where considerable interest has already been shown, should also be brought in more operationally. The military in many countries have traditionally played an important role in public health and this can be further reinforced in the specific area of HIV and through HIV. Similarly, the theme of HIV and occupational health has been increasingly neglected and Ministries of Labor have not been as encouraged as they could and should be to participate in the fight against HIV and related diseases. Ministries of Education also need to be reminded that prevention is best done through education of children and adolescents and be encouraged to work more closely with UNAIDS.

  13. UNAIDS and the Cosponsors should do a greater job in involving communities. The HIV response has to address their needs and understand the social contexts they live in. Often the education, social protection, labor or nutrition support are delivered independently and inappropriately without the consideration of the local settings.
    Partners and funding come with efficiency. UNAIDS needs to communicate more and show the way to implementing impactful project for the people it assists. No new partner will joint the response if s/he feels the money is not helping the communities getting better, feeling more empowered and resilient. This can be achieved when programmes are integrated within Corporate Frameworks so HIV components are not stand-alone but are part of a broad effort to improve and save lives. When there is an impact or a Smart Investment, there is less new infections, less AIDS-related deaths and a more coherent society.

  14. Dar no solo oportunidad de participar a poblaciones vulnerables sino también dando recursos financieros y técnicos, a veces onusida da apoyo financiero a organizaciones que no les interesa trabajar en red o informar lo que realizan

  15. Clearly identify a problem areas and barriers in each country, each region and the global level - that hinder the achievement of goals of the UNAIDS strategy 2016-2021- make the advocacy plans of overcoming these barriers, and then, on the basis of these plans, identify stakeholders and partners needed in each of the problem areas and invite them to partnership

  16. By improving the joint programming with all major stakeholders in identifying gaps and including HIV in their strategic frameworks. Advocacy efforts to incorporate HIV in the major stakeholders strategic frameworks and when necessary, invite them to participate in the PCB meetings.

  17. New partners can be brought on board through involvement in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the programme of work at global, regional and country levels. This would ensure ownership and increased commitment in the delivery of the strategy.

  18. The UNAIDS Secretariat should continue its great work of advocacy and convener, with the participation and support of cosponsors at global and country levels. The technical work in countries should be supported by UNAIDS in terms of advocacy and be delivered by one or more cosponsors who have the technical expertise. Cosponsors should also be encouraged to meet each other’s partners, to expand the Joint programme’s collaboration base and, where appropriate, create bridges among stakeholders for a strengthened response.

  19. Una de las alternativas aplicables consiste en el envío de información a los posibles asociados en donde se explique los beneficios que traería a las personas que viven con VIH su colaboración, y dentro de esto resaltar que gracias a su apoyo se puede poner fin a una epidemia, similar a lo que ha sucedido con otras enfermedades como Viruela, por ejemplo, y ellos estarían involucrados y siendo partícipes de esta gran movimiento.

  20. Ensuring there is a wide dissemination of the online e-consultation to the community and key stakeholders, and that the consultation period is long enough for the community to have the opportunity to provide feedback

  21. G. Roshchupkin, ECOM (Eurasian Coalition on Male Health)February 15, 2017 at 2:20 PM

    1. First I’d like to say that regional work of such UNAIDS cosponsors as UNDP, UNFPA, WB and WHO are very important and significantly more efficient than similar Eastern Europe and Central Asia governments’ initiatives in area of health (Russian for instance). So I’m sure that UNAIDS and cosponsors do a good job assisting governments and civil society in making national HIV response more effective and strategically targeted.

    For instance, the cosponsors provided (and are providing) significant technical support to all existing regional community initiatives those keep EECA country-level programs transparent for international monitoring, open for technical support and for introduction of international best practices.

    So the first step to make UNAIDS and cosponsors work better is to secure their existence for long term perspective.

    2. Quantity of deaths is an important indicator but in long term perspective it means almost nothing without improvement in quality of life. So quality of life has to be more effectively addressed in UNAIDS strategy. HIV programming has to be more accurately, deeply and clearly coordinated with such more broad issues as sexual health, mental health, family and community level economic/prosperity, knowledge management in health, and investments in health.

    3. UNAIDS uniqueness is that this program created/facilitating a more or less smooth and fast functioning coordination between such huge and slow acting bodies as UN agencies and other international stakeholders for solving one concrete problem. So regardless of future existence of UNAIDS, this experience has to be accurately documented and learned for future.

  22. Clear definition of and commitment to a managable division of labour, more resources for cosponsors to mobilize their networks and partners, more support from Secretariat to recognize and strengthen new efforts.

  23. UNAIDS should invest in reaching out to new constituencies, listening to different voices and different people. It should democratize its approach towards working with communities. Country civil society platforms must be strengthened and should be the point of interaction for UNAIDS. UNAIDS should work with countries to identify their respective CSO representatives so that their voices are generated from country needs. Particular population who are disadvantaged such as heterosexual people living with HIV, migrants should be courted and their views included in the global response- a People Living with HIV Fund similar to the key population fund should be kick-started to address the needs that are making heterosexual people living with HIV fall behind, access treatment late and not adhere to treatment. Counselling and testing is not enough for heteroxual people living with HIV. UNAIDS and partners should also work to move heterosexual people living with HIV from the margins of the global response as recipients of goodwill to integral partners in ending the AIDS epidemic. UNAIDS should also assist in strengthening the democratic representation of people living with HIV in the global movement of people living with HIV. Every staff member working with the UNAIDS organisation should know and have active connections to people living with HIV for people living with HIV sensitive programming.

  24. UNAIDS has the mandate from its new strategy and the UNGA Political Declaration to engage a range of new partnerships to accelerate the end of AIDS. UNAIDS needs to work explicitly in partnership with the private sector and innovative finance mechanisms to mobilize and implement PPPs that can advance new momentum and results on the ground.

  25. •Undertake a wide and thorough analysis to identify possible new partners to assist UNAIDS in delivering the 2016-21 strategy not only in terms of financial resources, but also through partnerships with CSOs, local leaders, etc. at the local, national and regional levels;
    •Strong, supported youth networks to feed into UNAIDS programming at national, regional and global level, with sustained "seats" for young people on all governing boards; and
    •Continue to create space for dialogue and models of collaboration with civil society, including further opportunities to form multi-stakeholder ‘advisory groups’ on specific issues

  26. Abordarea centrata pe nevoile persoanei, inclusiv cu HIV, oferă lumina verde multor actori cointeresați in sanatate. Rolul UNAIDS este de a uni nu doar actorii tradiționali, dar si de identifica alți potențiali parteneri. Grupurile vulnerabile necesită o asistență multidimensională și implicare intersectorială care UNAIDS trebuie să o dezvolte și fortifice

  27. Было бы эффективным если стратегия ЮНЭЙДС 2016-2021 была бы более хорошо представленной на страновом уровне, а национальные программы бы были более стратегическими в том числе в том что касается ресурсов и финансовых инвестиций.


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